About Us

About Us

Welcome to Delta Capital

Delta Capital Group is a leader in same-day funding. We are a direct-funder, providing working capital to businesses all across America. At Delta Capital, we value your time and money. We do not require collateral, and 95% of our clients are funded within 48 hours.

We do not have restrictive protocols, and we offer all of our funding on an unsecured basis; this is how we’re able to lead the industry in funding speed and specialize in fast turnaround business financing for qualified applicants.

We offer funding to businesses in any industry, provided they have been operating for at least 6 months and have a monthly cash flow of at least $15,000.


Customer Renewals

Over 90% of our eligible customers secure additional funding from us. We often provide even lower rates to repeat customers even if little has changed in their businesses.

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    How Can We Help

    Delta Capital Group is a direct funder. We offer unsecured capital up to $5,000,000, in under 48 hours.