Gas & Oil Business Funding

Delta Capital Funding Form

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    The capital needed to invest in the oil and gas business is generally much more significant in sums than for other businesses. You’ll need a lot of available cash flow to become a significant and profitable business owner in the oil and gas sector.

    Explore Our Gas & Oil Business Funding


    As an owner of a gas and oil-based business, you understand the uniqueness of your situation. Although an essential product and service, traditional lenders have historically been known to shy away from investing in these much-needed businesses.

    The capital needed to invest in the oil and gas business is generally much more significant in sums than for other businesses. You’ll need a lot of available cash flow to become a significant and profitable business owner in the oil and gas sector. As a result, you need the proper funding and Delta Capital to fulfill the needs of your gas and oil business endeavor.

    Oil And Gas Funding Sources That Create Revenue!

    On the other hand, traditional lenders do not like giving funding to gas and oil companies. Due to the rapid changes in energy prices and the industry’s significant overhead expenditures, they categorize oil and gas enterprises as “high-risk” businesses. As a result of these notable differences in this industry, traditional banks only lend to oil and gas investors with good credit scores and long years of operation.

    With our funding tailored towards the energy business, we offer you the possibility of obtaining oil and gas funding solutions for your company’s needs. Delta Capital offers Delta Capital to assist you with cash flow for your gas and oil business.

    With these funds, you can obtain better equipment, improve your retail location, and ride out the highs and lows of the fuel industry and its related businesses!

    Our Process

    Step 1:

    Apply & Submit

    The first step is to apply online and submit your last three months of bank statements. One of our Funding Specialists will contact you and discuss step 2.

    Step 2:

    Underwrite and Approve

    Our underwriters work diligently to underwrite and approve to the maximum capacity. A Funding Specialist will reach out and review the available terms.

    Step 3:

    Underwrite and Approve

    Once the terms have been reviewed and accepted, you will be sent a contract to sign. After a quick final underwriting and bank verification, you will receive a funding call.

    How Can We Help

    Delta Capital Group is a direct funder. We offer unsecured capital up to $5,000,000, in under 48 hours.